“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ― Mae West

Whenever I look around, I find out that everything in this world is replaceable 
like people, money, beauty even talent too and that’s the biggest game in God’s
creature. Sometimes I feel life is just a game, which we must have to play, no
any other option. People are under this illusion that there is a pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow, but there isn't. Chances are that whatever you are worrying
about isn't all that important. There are many little things in our lives that isn't replaceable, interchangeable or forgettable. What matters is what you as an individual give importance to. Things aren't intrinsically important – only people are. So most important fact in this world is – everything is replaceable like LOVE , BEAUTY , STATUS , TALENT etc. but it depends on you whom you replace and how long time . It’s easy to replace as every time we’ll get some best version of someone or something we choose like as a corporate sector, every time we’ll get the best version of employees who works better than past employees still some companies keep the old employees whereas some companies force them to leave. when we start a business – why we go for brand extension or brand diversification , because we want our company should be best version of itself otherwise no longer people will love it as it has many competitors , anyone can capture the market likewise everything in this world is replaceable too. Likewise in your life, the experiences you have, the things you did and are going to do, all of that is the reward. The only things in your favor are the skills you picked up along the way. You're always making progress, even if you don't know it. So in this replaceable world, the only thing which can’t be replaceable is YOU!
So how you can make a bigger impact in others life such that, which can’t be replaceable from heart.

Something we always should remember

Our life is shortVery few people realize this fact in early days of their life, they realize this fact when they grow old. So if you never ever understand this fact then start understanding from now, there are many things require unending maintenance to be cleaned, maintained, fixed, replaced, and removed. They steal our precious attention, time, and energy and we don’t even notice it… until it’s too late.

Our life is unique – Never ever let people change the story of your life, your life is totally unique. Never ever let people destroy your life comparing with others, as the time you spend on struggle may not all face the same. Our look, our personality, our talents, and the people who have influenced our lives have made us special. As a result, our life is exactly like no one else. And just because everyone else is chasing material possessions doesn’t mean we have to too.

Our life is designed to inspire- Let’s make footprints worth following. Nobody ever changed the world by following someone else. Instead, people who change the world live differently and inspire others to do the same. Possessions may briefly impress, but they never inspire.

Our life is important- Our heart and soul makes us valuable. Don’t sacrifice your important role in this world by settling for possessions that can be purchased with a card of plastic.

Our life deserves better-Joy, happiness, and fulfillment are found in the invisible things of life: love, hope, peace, and relationships. And they are not on sale at your local department store. Stop looking for them there. People who live their lives in pursuit of possessions are never content. They always desire newer, faster, or bigger because material possessions can never satisfy our deepest heart desires.

Love yourself so much and never ever let others to define you like how you should be and most important is in the same time never ever feel proud and never ever make someone let down to you because of their beauty or talent or money.

So few words you should remember always for your better future.

The fault in the present world is , we all have substitution which we feel proud of , as per the population , our talent and mind set and science also growing -
When someone ask me anything - I simply say this world contain 7 BILLION PEOPLE SO HUMAN RESOURCE IS NOT A BIG PROBLEM BUT PROBLEM IS WITH YOU ONLY . HOW ARE YOU THAT MATTERS AS OTHERS QUALITIES (TALENT /BEAUTY/MONEY) HAVE SUBSTITUTION OR CAN GROW AS PER TIME OR OUTSOURCE THEM like - "if you have money you can outsource talent and make yourself beautiful, if you have beauty then you can earn money and outsource talent too, if you have talent then you can earn money and outsource beauty too."
If you think you are beautiful enough then look around so many plastic/cosmetic surgeon and makeup artists are there , who are always ready to make you beautiful.
if you think you are talented enough, look around you will find many Gold medal lists are not getting job too and still looking for best job. (Nikola Tesla-scientist -whose whole life was terrific like this many more in other industry from television to singer)
If you think you are rich enough, look around you, you'll find many rich people around you and some are trying. Who knows when your luck will favor and you'll become rich. (Jack ma story to Steve jobs)

Truth is! You can't feel proud for anything as now the world is full of substitution. If you feel proud then you have the best competitor next to you who’s always staring at you. In case of BRAND - brand loyalty is keep the brands alive still many brands fail due to this.  So as a human how can you feel proud, until unless you become the top most of anything in world list. So when we are not beautiful enough as it has also substitution, we are not rich enough as anyone can take our position (brand or company), and we are not talented enough as many multi-tasker are there around the world.
Best way to live the life is - LOVE YOURSELF TOO MUCH, WORK FOR YOURSELF AND MAKE A BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. BE UNIQUE IN YOUR WAY. You never know when someone'll fall in LOVE with you because of that uniqueness.

To make an impact in others life, few things you should keep in your mind-
What success means to you?
It’s an intangible form of experience, which is also in the form of inner peace or great pleasure. Definition of success varies from person to person. In this world success definition changes as per people and their profession. some people want to make their family happy so for them success is in monetary form so that they can give everything to their family which they want badly , for company success is getting more customers and revenue etc. and for social worker success is make this world a better place to live . So for me success is peace and make this earth a beautiful place to live but in the same time it differs when I place myself as a role of a daughter and an employee. My version of success differs as per time and situation. But in core I know what I want to achieve, which I gonna achieve in later on stage as that the only thing which actually makes me happy from inside. So success is something which can’t be measure and it is unstable form. So don’t lose yourself for success, when such things comes in your life think about your life priority. example – for me success is important as a daughter I always want to make my parents feel proud of me and as a sister , I love to give gifts to my younger brothers and sisters and as an employee I have to work in a productive way . so if any situation arise where I have to SAVE MYSELF FOR THE SHAKE OF MONEY BY RUINING SOME ONE’S LIFE OR SOME PEOPLE’S LIFE, I may stay back in that situation as it conflict with my main priority or main version of success, whereas many people in this world - go for ruining someone’s life for the shake of fulfillment of their tangible value of success. So it shows, which kind of person you are and your value shows directly through your choices.
Know yourself, don’t follow the crowd -
There are many people who tell you , you are like this and like that etc. etc. , but always listen to your heart , what kind of person you are , that’s why -I have always listen to my gut and heart what the right thing to do was.  Yes! Often my head would rule over my heart, if you are an emotionally aware, introspective type of person, then you may feel you know yourself well.  So love everyone and surround yourself with those kind of people who are like you so that you’ll explore more about yourself.
Besides that self-growth is more important no matter how slow you go.
These are the steps I always take for myself, I am not saying what I am doing that’s right but that can help you a lot -
1. Observe yourself. Watch your actions, habits, what makes you happy, what pisses you off, how do you behave in crisis, what sustains you, what drains you etc. self-observation can help you more than people observation.

2. Identify your bad habits. Start eliminating them slowly. You might not even be aware of that but it actually affects you a lot and these may be the reason behind your failure. Work on eliminating at least some of the habits that squander your time, energy, creativity, health.

3. Create a routine that helps you show up in a best way. What all high-performers have in common is a routine, a set of habits, that they perform every day no matter what. These habits help them show up at their best every day.

4. Stay focused.  Multitasking is fancy term for doing more things poorly at the same time. Focused work is the least tiresome and the most productive type of work. Which I learnt later on stage but when it comes to gaining knowledge it’s not waste of time and money.

5. Be yourself.  Focus on your strengths. Leverage your contrasts. Be a weirdo. Be different. You are awesome- I always encouraged myself to follow my intuition and my own rules in many situations. I stopped forcing myself to enjoy those things which no longer gives me happy. This is the best way to live what I think.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

So love yourself too much, never ever allow others to down you or belittle you. always remember in this world everything can be replaceable still something can’t be irreplaceable no matter how much one should try – True Love , Beautiful memory , time , some valuable people in our life . These are the things can’t be replaceable in this replaceable world. Sometimes we are too busy in making our version of self we are forgetting our self-worth or value in others life.

I am talking about myself – I may not best for all , as I am a kind of introvert personality still some love me as they know me better and deeper , I may not help everyone in monetary form but when they need I always stand beside them as a good friend of them .
After a point of my life I realize that the value of self from that day – I started to rectify myself as I realize in this world everything can be replaceable like if someone loves you due to your beauty or talent then when they’ll get the best version they can leave you at any point of time so from that I stop loving those kinds of people, I started giving value to those who love your inner value or uniqueness as there is no replacement of that.
When I think about talent – I feel I am best in some, but in the next moment I found many people who are good at where I am weak. so I feel offended as  I feel I can be replaceable that’s why I started making myself update version , make your weakness as strength so that it’ll take longer time to others to think about to lose you .
So I feel in this world everything can be replaceable from love to beauty that’s why best version of yourself is the only solution. Sometimes some people loves you due to your money and some people may love you as you can beneficial to them, so in this complicated and self-oriented world finding a person who loves you for no reason is priceless. So search that person for your LOVE, as LOVE is something which we all wish to get and if you have love in your life then you have everything and you don’t care for any kind of replacement.
So find some people in your life who scared to replace you, so my life principle is LOVE THOSE WHO LOVES YOU.
As I already know that I can be replaceable in company as an employee and I can get any other company too replacement of any other employee as per position and job responsibility.
My misfortune can be replaced as fortune like monetary , now I am jobless or searching job , who know after 5 years down the line I can have huge money .I don’t know my future .
I can be replaced in some people life's priority list, who kick me out of their lives just because I am not that much worthy as I failed to achieve my dream again and again (medical to become a scientist) and I can’t be like them , but after my development surely my position will replace in their lives . (Near dear people /relatives who lose hope on me)

So after losing so many things in my life, I realize the fact of giving value to all small small things in life even those people who loves me, I realize the fact of replacement so I am trying to make a best version of me so that when I’ll be old at that time I'll BE THE LIFE TIME MEMORY FOR SOME PEOPLE AND MY NAME WILL BE ALWAYS IN THEIR HEART , IN A BIGGER PROSPECTIVE. THAT’S MY VERSION OF REPLACEMENT.

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