Life is a game of perception, it is well played by people and sometimes you enter into chakravyuh of illness of mind-set of people which is very difficult to get out of it.

Do you think, people really matters in our life?
I take it insane, when your worth is based on how people perceive you and suddenly how you present yourself becomes very important.
People don’t have any idea, what you have done and what you have gone through or what you can do, people will judge you based on your present scenario. I learnt one important life time lesson “Life is a game with no rules”. But there are cheat sheets. And there are winners and there are losers, winners are who are fit for survive and who really know how to live, laugh and lead even get out of the insane of chakravyuh. And it really is all about how you play the game. Some are born with a natural ability of understanding life and how to work the “system.” Others fall behind and never catch up that’s why they fall in the trap of chakravyuh.
You don’t need any brilliant strategy or talent to become successful in life or you don’t need to be a genius to be a millionaire, you just need to know how to play the game. The best players in Monopoly weren’t the ones who started out rich, they were the ones who figured out the game before you did and who knows how to win over people not win over the any race, as in present world PEOPLE ARE THE LOTTERY NOT ANY GAME. There’s something to be said about a man who doesn’t finish college but ends up a multi-millionaire. Because life isn’t about grades and academia, it’s how you apply yourself in the real world. And if you are savvy enough, you too could bulls*t your way to the top.
So what actually make people fall in trap or how people fall in the trap of MIND GAME-?
Mind game or the trap of insane, how you get out of it as it has huge effect in your present life even it affects your success life too , it has power to ruin your entire career as well as dream too. Sometimes you feel, you’re hopeless, useless, burdensome, even you didn’t do anything wrong, even everything seems perfect and right in your perspective. You start losing your self-worth and you lost your faith on yourself that “Nothing will ever go well, everyone is always better than you, you’ll never be perfect”.  
You want to be liked, but you’re unlovable, and a failure at life.  
Doesn’t it Sound familiar to you (I am talking about those who are facing same situation)?
Mental traps serve as the rusty cogs that continue the mechanic cycles of pain and hopelessness.  In many instances, they are so deeply ingrained in the mind, that the victim lives completely oblivious of their existence, they feel like lost in life even sometimes they feel like their life is worthless.
Living in the world of mental traps is like living a lie.  Your perception is tainted with a melancholy negativity that brings forth absurd, unrealistic, and untruthful thoughts.
But to overcome this, constant and vigilant mindfulness and introspection must be applied.  To do that however, we must become aware of what these traps are.

1.   Assumptions 
This is the biggest trap as here you assume something is true based on what you think is true, without proof.  Assumptions can be about others and yourself.  
Why it ruins/affects your life: You create a lot of unnecessary emotional and mental pain for yourself.  Especially if you assume the worst.  Assumptions lead you to making false judgement’s about others.  This can harm and even destroy relationships with the people you care about.
How to keep yourself away from this – Awareness , believe when you see something authentic and judge that vividly ,  mental attachment first then emotional attachment.

2.   Beliefs
Believes can ruin your life in various ways, especially fake believes about sometimes, which comes in the form of fake judgement .Mental beliefs are very extremist in nature.  The mental terminology therefore is very strong, just as beliefs are.  Like all mental traps, beliefs are unconsciously held.  They can be so deep rooted that they evade the conscious mind
Why it ruins your life:  Beliefs are very blinding by nature.  If they’re false they can affect you profoundly, as they’re so deeply held.  Beliefs have a nasty way of crippling you with fear if you have enough conviction.  Your life, therefore, may be very limited and restricted resulting in a sad, half-lived existence.
How to keep yourself away from this – self believe is much important, don’t get into the trap of others believes, it may confuse your self-existence too.

3.   Comparisons

This is the worst way to get into a trap, this can be between you and others, and sometimes it is good and sometimes it also bad in different way.  Comparisons can also be between ourselves and our ideals of what should be like how I was before and what I am now.  Dissatisfaction is what drives comparison and sometimes people compare you to show themselves above than you and make you feel lower.  We all want to be better, more perfect, and ideal and excel others that’s why we fall in this trap easily and quickly.  Comparison also drives competition.  We use other people and our ideals as a yardstick of success.
Why it ruins your life:  Making comparisons breeds a lot of jealousy and envy.  It also results in anger, pain and frustration.  This puts a strain on relationships with others, and frequently destroys friendships.
How to keep yourself away from this – compare your past with present, take any ideal personality like swami Vivekananda or A.P.J Abdul kalam etc. and follow their foot print.

4.    Desires

Desire leads to take wrong steps most often ,desire is to want something you don’t have , this comes from comparison as well as self believes.  We do this because we’re discontent, feeling as though we’re lacking.  We don’t have enough.  
 Why it ruins your life: The basic principle of Buddhist thought is that desire equals pain.  Often, desire results in lust, and lust results in idolization and obsession.  The result is often pain.  Think about the crimes in the world – thefts, murders, rapes, adulteries.  These all result from desire.  When we desire what we can’t have, the result is pain.
How to keep yourself away from this – Desire to have good things in your life which money can’t buy like love and emotions.

5.    Expectations
Expectation is the mother of all sorrows, it also a bigger part of assumption too -To expect is to have the preconceived idea that something should happen or will happen.  Expectations are usually created by rigid minds with mental structures that when challenged, crumble, putting the mind in turmoil. Expectations stem from misguided certainty, and these are symptoms of security seeking behaviour
Why it ruins your life:  Expecting certain behaviours from other people usually results in disappointment, confusion, frustration and anger.  This can cause strain on relationships.  On the other hand, expecting things from yourself can create many issues.  Your expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies.  They manipulate the outcome of a situation by predetermining whether it will be good or bad.  e.g.  If you expect to be tired, 99.9% of the time you will be.  This can have an immensely negative impact on your life when your mind is already biased against you, or something else.
How to keep yourself away from this – Never expect anything from anyone, yes! You can expect for good outcome as well as life but give your best sort and rest keep up to the God.

6. Ideals
This is the most important things, which confuse our mind, where we should go – towards perfection or where majority are going. This is the perfect outcome, object, situation or person generated by the mind.   Ideals are a symptom of perfectionism.  Furthermore, they are usually set up as unrealistic goals, which are almost always impossible to live up to. But sometimes it’s better to be ideal than be a blind followers.
Why it ruins your life:  Because ideals are hard to achieve, mental and emotional frustration frequently occurs.  Ideals cause you to live under immense pressure, creating a lot of anxiety.  When disparity is seen between the ideal and reality, dissatisfaction and pain almost always result.  The perfectionist-idealist is often a hard person to please, and an even harder person to live with.  Ideals therefore negatively impact relationships.
How to keep yourself away from this – Be an idealistic but as per the present world. I am a kind of girl for whom it’s a difficult decision to choose which is best, as I always go with perfection when it comes to work or anything.

About me –
There was a time I was quite immature that’s why I did many stupid mistakes like I make my life OPEN for all, but now I am wise still I fall in trap due to my past mistakes , that’s why now I promise to myself that -Never ever repeat the same mistake what I did once , I realize the value of personal life and what should I say and what I should not , what should I write in blog and what I should not.
I am not worry for anything but when it ruin my life identity, its make me hopeless and helpless too.
I am Indian as well as I am from Odisha (Balasore) , 3 hours distance from Kolkata and 3 hours distance from Bhubaneswar , it is in boarder of both west bangle and Odisha , still I consider myself as a odiya as my mother tongue as well as my surname belongs to Odisha and I proud of that too but I BELONGS TO ALL STATES AND ALL PEOPLE , I LOVE ALL .This is my actual identity which I got from my parents which no one can take. Rest of the identity I get from myself like, my professional career ,How I behave to my personal life etc.

I learnt one lesson that – Haters or Your competitors spread many fake issues and perception in your name as they know your weakness, fools are those who also accept it gladly.

In my different stage of my life I faced different sort of issues and perception too, sometimes it’s all about love issue and sometimes it’s all about my skills and communication issue,  however all have great effect in my life as well as it also helps me to grow up from inside.
I really don’t care anything until unless , it hamper my career and dream issue , as both are major in my life and I know what I sacrificed for that and tolerate for that . It hurts me but I have faith that one day God will help me to get out of this chakravyuh as I am honest in my thought and work . I know my work is perfect and what I am doing and going to do that’s for society , I don’t know about myself and my life and how it is going to be end but I have a DREAM , LET IT MAKE IT TRUE. Don’t make it too complicated, but I know people take it as emotional message, but I believe if you harm someone, the reflection also hampers you in future. FAITH ON GOD , MAKES EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.

I have faith on my talent as well as KARMA. Those who blind with having eyes , I don’t know about them but those who have eyes and can see everything clearly as well as understand properly , I know they can easily judge me better . I can’t be too complicated to make others down, let’s see how far I also can be successful in this trick as I learnt - Life sometimes makes you a different version as per time and situation.

I know nothing is Last-forever , like the perception and people who hate you now may be they’ll start loving you (My past friends – personal experience) after years , but it has great effect someone’s mental health , as well as it affects their labor as well as career too in that moment, which should n’t be forgive easily , as I think ,AS IT HAS GREAT POWER TO RUIN SOMEONE’S LIFE , MENTAL HEALTH AS WELL AS IT DELAY SOMEONE’S SUCCESS TOO . but I forgive that’s why I am a great idiot.

(LIFE LESSON -If people hate you without any reason then slap their face, now they have a reason to hate you . what my life taught me now. )

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