How do you define a strong leader or can a leader stick with perfection for longer period ?

A leader is not born, a leader is made.
A leader is born
Some people say leaders are born so how far their words is right, do you believe in this.  Yes! I do, if you are born in a politician or actor /actress /singer family, you’d become as per time, as your luck favors you. But all can’t be a good leader even though they try their level best as their life don’t teach them the hard/difficult life lessons what a struggling dreamer or a future leader face.
A leader is made
A leader is made in those situation, when he/she face tough situation in life. A leader who takes responsibility voluntarily, who never give up no matter whatever happens in his/her life. Whose zone of tolerance is higher than zone of acceptance to all useless things?
So what’s the meaning of leader is all about?
All leadership—good and bad—starts from within, as per me effective leadership: Perfectionism.
Perfectionism in the broader sense refers to all-or-nothing thinking. This is something which makes a person go into the deeper, "It needs to be done right (perfect), or else it’s a failure."
Generally, the goal of a perfectionist is good but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some wish to be excellent in life and successful too. However, the true motivator for perfectionism is fear, it’s easy to be successful if you have all things with you but when it you try to become a hard core perfectionist, it’s really become a difficult task to become successful with your personal integrity.  
So, what do you mean by perfection?
If you try to be perfect , make sure you gonna handle the stuffs like being judged , criticized and abandoned (sometimes)
It’s easy to say I want to be a perfect personality but you’ll lose the race in the middle if you are too competitive or in simply say if you are hungry to get success. Focus on passion (what you want and why) instead of fear (not wanting to mess up) for yourself and your team.

Some bigger prospective of being perfection –

Higher Personal Standards
With high personal standards, it’s easier to meet the expectations of others. If you have low standards, you’ll always have to push yourself to meet what others expect from you. If your standards are already high, you’ll likely have a much easier time meeting the standards of others. After all, a perfectionist almost always has nearly-impossible standards for themselves, much higher than what outside parties would generally impose. This is the mind-set of a perfectionists as they don’t want to be criticized by any way. They want to be loved and yes! Most important for them is RESPECT. No matter whatever age they have, they always go for getting respect or being respected.

A More Streamlined Work Process
They are much organised in their work. They’ve perfected their work process along with everything else in their life. This means, in many cases, that your work is more efficient than that of many non-perfectionists but it’s very difficult to understand your point.

A More Polished End Result
Your project works are always pixel-perfect and your development projects always work flawlessly. Others often look at your work in awe, wondering where you find the time and patience to perfect your work in such a way. It’s a definite plus, as it can lead to more work and more respect.

Better Attention to Detail
In addition to an overall feeling of being polished, your work often has all those extra little details that set it apart from the crowd. You go the extra mile to add details to your work that others wouldn’t even think of. This applies both to projects and to other aspects of your business.

Perfection has a greater strength of confidence
A perfect personality never ever fear anything, while sometimes overtly arrogant, perfectionists’ self-confidence is conditional, dependent on achieving their goals. On a proverbial treadmill, they are constantly striving for the next big "thing" in order to feel good about themselves.

Negative characteristics –

1)    Take long time to finish the work -
When you strive for perfection, everything takes just a bit longer to get right.

2)    They love tow work more, even though they are not getting any kind of benefit out of this
Sometimes things don’t need to be perfect. A few rough edges here and there can add to a project, or at least not interfere with its effectiveness.

3)    Sometimes they do unnecessary works and decisions to keep their value
So these are all the characteristics of perfect personality –
I am saying as I always confuse between what I should go for.

4)    Perfection sometimes hold you back and delay your success
Perfectionists have a hard time delegating. Sometimes when you go for perfection, you don’t let a single issue which can ruin your life .so a perfect person may compromise with success sometimes but not with personal ethics and values.
5)    Perfectionists , sometimes lack flexibility in decision making –
They don’t over think but they are the kind of people who are futuristic or can say people with vision, that’s why perfectionists are indecisive, fearful that they will make the "wrong" decision.
6)    Perfectionists makes others life stressed and terrified sometimes
7)    Most of the people find difficulties deal with perfect personality, as they fear to get punished and expose if they’ll do anything wrong.

Sometimes I feel like I am in a trap between being a perfect manager or effective manager. Sometimes it’s really a great challenge to decide what you should choose –

I always go for being perfect but for that I suffer a lot –
I love to share my experience here –

Career issues
I am over conscious about my carer issues, that’s why I feel like sometimes I am the victim of mind game trap, as while I go for perfection, I go in details but in the end I end of losing my job imperfect and I can’t explain it better even I know what I am doing and how I am doing. Sometimes people take the advantage of it and some start spreading negativity about you even though you are right.
Yes! I love research kind of work and I always go in deep but I have a problem with reminding some terms (actual terms as per profession) suddenly , I hope through meditation I’ll try to improve my memory power to remind small small words which is very needed in corporate life . While I go for research or perfection of any kind of work, I fall in trap of JUDGED as I go in details and I love to share my knowledge. I don’t like to cheat anyone, if I get any data from other source, I also keep the link besides to make it clear indication.
That’s why while I go for perfection , I take a long time for presentation even though people feel boring but I never stop my explaining as I love to share my knowledge . that’s why my parents and my grandpa always suggests me – besides your duty , you’ll teach students at least they’ll get benefited from you even I promise to myself – After I get job , during holidays like SUNDAY AND SATURDAY – I’ll go for teaching profession to poor children especially (like what i was doing during my engineering but this time they will be younger age) as I love to share my knowledge and gain also . 
This is the only drawback which ruins my all labor , yes! sometimes I can’t make it in organized way that’s why I failed or can say may be I lack proper guidance that’s why otherwise I love to be perfect in my career and study too . This most probably the only reason why I didn’t get medical, as I was too crazy to explore the human and plant anatomy, I forget the core part which is necessary for medical exam itself. Still I never stop exploring different fields. That’s why you might get many videos based on science and its unsolved problems in my YouTube video as I love to explore the world as well as science too.

Dream issue-
I am too perfect, I know what I gonna do in future. Yes! I am a confusing character too , that’s why people confuse me easily but now a days I don’t after doing Meditation daily. I know what I gonna do in my future. I am a crazy perfectionist, that’s why I care for my PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER as well. I never ever allow others to spoil my name and image for anything.
Besides this I love to make my work very perfect that’s why I love to go in deeper , I did my 3 project works within 2 months of internship time , yes ! some projects I couldn’t complete as transportation was bigger issue and all projects I was doing voluntarily (non paid) , may be that was the reason I couldn’t perform my 1 project work perfectly otherwise I can say perfectionists are  also effective , as they can’t bear FAILURE , AS THEY PUT THEIR 100% HEART AS WELL AS MIND in their work .
That’s why it hurt me , when I failed to achieve something when I do anything from my whole heart , sometimes I lack guidance that’s why I can’t do anything perfectly otherwise rest of the things which I can do , I do it perfectly . I can proudly say that.

Love issue-
This is totally out of my control, I am perfect here but I never seek for a perfect person. I need a person who can understand me better  , love me truly and help me to grow. Alas! I never ever get or meet such kind of person till now, hope! In near future I can get someone (after i make myself establish) . Yes! I love to make friends and I may have some crush but My heart knows whom I should love and whom I should not.

Tomorrow is my day, MAHA SHIVARATRI – I Pray! May God bless me with a perfect life partner like him (Lord shiva), as LOVE is as important as CAREER AND DREAM? Late realization but still never too late to get one, who really fit for you (mind-set – growth oriented – social worker). 
I am difficult to understand and this is the only true fact in my life .

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Some advice from my side –

A perfectionist rarely go with emotions too like sometimes people gives more importance to those who have some kind of problem (social related or health related etc.), as they show their sympathy. But some people not worth enough for that as they take it as advantage.  I have seen many people who give importance to some people as they feel these are the kind of people need your support like if a person is socially facing problem or health problem, but why the same thing is not valid for all. A perfectionist always go with true justices. They don’t like to play game with others emotion until unless it has some valid reason . They give value to Those, who really knows the value of others, irrespective to religion , cast and nation.

A perfectionist never ever play game, wait! If they start doing what you are doing with them (as many people take the advantage of their personality) then you may be going to face something really worst in your future which you never ever expect as they can be VERY GOOD OR VERY BAD, they don’t like to stay in middle and THEY DON’T LIKE TO USE SOMEONE TO DOWN SOMEONE. THEY DON’T USE SOMEONE TO MAKE SOMEONE INFERIOR, THEY DIRECTLY GO WITH ISSUES, They can be the best player. If you never ever seen, just do one thing make them tempted or hurt them badly, THEY’LL SHOW THEIR REAL FACE. They are real in general but they can also go beyond their values and ethics , as we all are human so anger and ego problem drive to show their real face .

A TRUE perfectionist never be like an anti-social, they are the social even they know how to enjoy but due to their perfection , they stay back in some situations in life , that’s why their own personality becomes the reason of HATENESS and NOT MUCH SOCIAL .  They have the power to create better society than others as they are like self - sacrificing personality . THE MORE YOU KNOW THEM THE MORE YOU WONDER .

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