Life doesn't get easier you just get stronger

'Faking It ‘til You Make It' Is The Real Key To Success. 

Life is all about perception. Your worth is based on how people perceive you and suddenly how you present yourself becomes very important, it doesn’t matter whether you are in the good or bad state, even if you are in bad condition still if you can’t portrait yourself best then one bad remark can ruin your life and career as well. People don't have the time to get to know every single detail about you, like what kind of person you are and how well you do your job, some decisions made on gut feelings and estimation.
Life is a bitter game with no rules. But there are cheat sheets and there are winners and there are losers. It doesn’t matter how genuine you are, it all matters about whether you are a winner or loser in life race and it really is all about how you play the game. Some are born with a natural ability of understanding life and how to work the "system." Others fall behind and never catch up.
You don't need to be a genius to be a millionaire, you just need to know how to play the game well.
The best businessmen of aren't the smartest, but they are the best in their ways. There's something to be said about a man who doesn't finish college but ends up a multi-millionaire. Because life isn't about grades and academia, it's how you apply yourself in the real world. And if you are savvy enough, you too could do what you can to reach top.

Grab At Details

Lying is not necessarily something to boast about, but it's something everyone does. However, it's acceptable when done right. As you go through life, make sure to pay attention to each and every single detail. This will save you on more occasions than you could imagine. Pick up on everything so you have something to say at any given moment. Fill your brain with everything from art, to politics, to languages. Be aware and be perceptive so you always have at least one intelligent thing to say.

Always Choose Silence

If you are somewhere you don't belong, just don't talk much. Silence equals power. People will equate your silence with disinterest and try to change the subject. People also equate silence with power. Someone who isn't talking doesn't have the opportunity to make a fool of themselves. You can never go wrong with silence.

Be Confident, No Matter What You're Saying

Most of the time people listen to your first few sentences then go off into their own world.
If you sound confident within those first few seconds, they will assume you know what you are doing and they don't need to listen to the rest. It's also okay to be confident and wrong. That's called a mistake. It's better to make a mistake than to just not know. Never falter in your words, they are all you have.

Master Your Style

Your style is everything. Style says a lot about your confidence. If all the other girls in the office are wearing heels and you wear flats, people will notice. You don't care enough what anyone thinks to change yourself.
These are all, what I learned from my life “FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT”
Lessons from my own life mistakes –
I always consider myself as a perfect and try to be best in all. that’s why from my school life to till now I work hard, I don’t know who gives me the compliment for that or not but I always feel great, yes! I work hard and how it should be. I never work hard blindly means without making any sense of doing hard work – Making notes and constantly remembering words by words from the book, sitting ideally. I am hard working in my project works, try to know something new and do something different.
I really work hard, instead of going outside and spend my time unnecessary works, I usually invest with doing social works or studies. but I was fool which I realized in later on stage, I’d go as per the timing and others, but I am the kind of girl who rarely follows others footsteps otherwise I most probably in a better position and condition as well.
In which stage people have the better love life with Boyfriend, I hate all those as I always love to loyal to my parents and their orders. I hate to cheat teachers in project works and I hate to cheat my friends and use them for benefits. But now I realize I should do all those as in this stage if I face problem because of all of these as I never ever try to behave like a NORMAL person, these are the qualities of an abnormal one who just try to be extreme level of perfectness, world actually treat this kind of people as abnormal, they are not normal for normal people as their activities shows that. That’s why I am trying to change myself from abnormal to a normal one.
I missed many things in my life for trying to b like a perfect person, in return the result is painful like hell. I got nothing except pain both in personal life even in professional as well. Professional means – I always wish to become a MARKET ANALYST OR BRAND MANAGER OR MARKET RESEARCHER OR STRATEGIC MAKER, as after passed from good colleges, still I am struggling. It means now it’s time to change myself according to the present scenario. I am happy with my present banking job but I always wish to reach where I always want to be from my childhood days dreams.Working Hard doesn’t matter in this present world but working smart matters a lot, I know it’ll take a little bit more time to change my personality but I know one day i can do this if I can’t at least my PAIN will force me to turn me into that kind of person.

After a point of my life, I realized that I had so many blind believes –
1)    Previously I always believe that – Get good marks, Get good college then Get a good life …
Ha, it doesn’t matter. Still, those who care about someone’s 10th and 12th marks, I laugh more on them as these are the period where we actually don’t study to learn but how to get marks. CBSE it is quite easier to get marks than in STATE BOARDS and ICSE, as your 2-3 months study decides your whole life, if you fall sick within that period then your whole life is ruined. But other studies which comprise of many exams which decide your actual strength. So life does not rely on marks but what you can do at the personal level, how ambitious you are – that shows from your career streams and life you have chosen for your future.
You can teach a kid and make him/her as per your interest by giving them such kind of environment and all facilities still you can’t give guaranty so how can you give guaranty on adults, until unless the adult wants to learn, it can clearly be seen from his/her mindset and choices of life. Either be Fighter or Quitter.
2)    Be honest and good, the way you treat others, the same way you’ll be treated. It’s not always right.
3)    Don’t tell lies, that’s why my life is now crystal clear, but presently I realized that "Fake it until you make it", Tell others about your worth even though you are not that much worthy. who cares and check out your whole life career – where you studied, what projects you did and how much marks you got, points earn etc... No one is going to check it out, so better be fake and tell lies and show royalty until you become royal both as a person and from the professional level.

           “If life is not getting easier, better you should be tougher”

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