Don't compare your love story /life journey to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.              < Unknown >

As most of the time I have seen  how my friends always compare their story with any romantic movie…sometimes I feel it’s so funny but it’s true  sometimes I also do the same mistake. For a while I place myself in any role & try to feel that situation. Actually in my real life I have no any love matters but I am very romantic person , frankly speaking, I don’t wanna involve any kind of love matters as I can’t believe anyone. That’s my biggest problem, I doubt everyone. But I believe in love but that’s true love not any kind of fake love < I totally hate >. I am very romantic person, which helps me to write any kind of poem & love stories. That’s the main reason I start my novel which is purely a ROMANTIC LOVE STORY “A HIDDEN LOVE STORY”. I may be romantic person but I don’t like to get involved  in any love matters , I have relationship with my writing & my painting. For these two - creativity as well as little romantic mood is necessary, so never take it in negative sense. I may be romantic person but I too hate fake love…I too love music & which helps me to make me more romantic. So music - my romantic mood - my creativity help me in any kind of writing & other creativity work like painting & sketching etc. but I astonished why people compare their story with any love story , as god is busy in  writing your  story…sometimes people become so much emotional , after watching any movie it reflect their mind & heart. Sometimes I have also seen how TV serial change the housewives & sometimes it create great disturbance in their family life & sometimes it helps them also. So it purely depends on mind set up . I think we all should absorb the good thing not bad thing. So likewise movie is also based on our real life, sometimes some stories relates with our present situation. But it always doesn’t mean our ending will be like that. Movie has written by script writer, but your story has written by God, so be glad. God is busy in writing your story, faith in him. Sometimes I have seen how people become so excited as well as impatient after watching any movie. It make me irritate also, it’s true I never watch any movie < HONESTLY SAYING >, till now I hardly watch 10-15 movie fully. As I always read the movie review or watch it within half an hour. I love the movie like evolution or anaconda or based on real life like titanic & sometimes I love fun movies like Glomal…so I am very selective in movie matter , I love to know the theme so I prefer reading the movie review or watch within half an hour. My main motto is to know the story which helps me to create idea how to write any story, so I watch movie & always try to present myself in their position. So that I can feel & which helps in writing any love story. But sometimes people take my emotions in different matter, my silence become a reason of their lots of doubts , I don’t know may be they get fun to spread rumors about me or my life is much interesting.  If  I talk about anyone then I love him , if I share something in social media then people comments me I love him , if I talk with someone then I love him<NOW I FEAR TO TALK ABOUT ANY GUY , EVEN IF I FEAR TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP WITH ANY GUY IN OUR COLLEGE ALSO, AS IT ALWAYS BECOME A BIG ISSUE IN MY CASE >OMG , how many people can I LOVE… I am not crazy ! please, yaar…try to understand me , I have faith in my lord & my lord knows my choice & I know he will give me a best one. As In my pray I always beg him about this :P so don’t join my name with everyone, I am not girl friend of everyone, huh…I wanna be girl friend & life partner of only ONE PERSON…so I too hate rumors but in my life what I hate I always face that… I wanna make myself  that much eligible because I wanna make myself fit with the mind of my dream man , I don’t know who is he “I only know how I’ll work ,I’ll get that kind of person” & my dream also matter in my life…so he may be anyone…so don’t worry , I’ll tell you if I love someone truly or when I fully conform about this matter. But before that I don’t wanna allow any kind of rumors about me. as it become a regular topic in my life, now I don’t feel irritate as I know it’s a common topic in student life…but I am little bit serious about this matter, as I don’t like to join my name with everyone. I wanna be one  for one person… so don’t worry I know my God will send  a person how I want & he knows my choices very well. He knows everything, so I never worry for this matter. When my time will come, I’ll get him…so it’s time to study & little fun & little love… btw people always doubt on me so I always prefer to write everything in term of poems or article…if anyone check my 3 bloggers he/she could know the entire 99% of my life story …1% I wanna keep secret, I want something should be secret... so this is my life..sometime people join my name with any love story. I feel irritate, as I have told to my god how I am I wanna like that - I am very romantic, so I wanna a romantic love story in my life…not any painful or boring love story…I am a fun loving person so don’t take my words always seriously… <most of the time - I write my article according to situation >

I found many times people take everything in a very serious matter. Yeah it’s true we all do mistakes, it’s common. All human being do the mistake, it’s a common thing. But very few people learn from their mistakes. So God is not responsible for this if you don’t learn form your mistakes. So don’t compare your love story with any love story or any painful story. What they are doing don’t do the same thing, as most of the time I have seen what my friends actually do... People are too busy in compare their life with other; I really can’t understand why people do this. Most of the time I have seen how people compare their story with any love romantic movie. Sometimes with any love songs, always busy in thinking on that matter.  But in my point of view God is busy in writing your love story, so why you worry, he will give you never ever worry, faith in him. Here God is writing for you. He is wiser than any famous script writer … So I wanna say don’t be so much demoralized after watching any painful story. Your life may be much better than you think. So be cool & enjoy the movie. Movie is for time pass & refreshes your mind not for taking any tension… 
                                           JUST CHILL & BE COOL  WHILE WATCHING :p ;)
                                                     HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY IT 

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