“When you judge another, you do not define them. You define yourself.” ~Wayne Dyer
believe this line , but sometimes I feel it’s better to judge , as day by day the world is changing , we have to judge everyone & have to read the mind . We can’t understand everyone but I feel thought this we can get a rough idea about someone. I know, it’s not always right, but it’s not wrong .So while judge someone we should tell them our inner feelings, as most of the time it’s better to clear your doubts.
It also took humility to accept the fact that I was envious. I spend a lot of my day focusing on love and service. I had a false perception of myself as being beyond that particular emotion. I saw it as something I had transcended, but that thought was false. In admitting that to myself, I grew above it and my heart opened again. So I belive look at whom or what is pushing your buttons. Everything external is internal. This means that if something outside of yourself is bothering you, for example, someone else’s behavior, then you has that within you as well. If you didn’t, there would be no emotional charge to it . but it’s true , I never allow others to disturb my peaceful mind , except some  like my parents , my broths , sisters & some special people like those people  who loves me . Except them I never take other words into my heart but I don’t like hate & false thinking about me  . That’s why I belive in direct conversation & explaining everything . Whenever I don’t like anything or anyone’s behavior ,I show up, as I don’t like to hide. Yeah, in my past life what I didn’t like I hide that because I fear to lose my friends & sometimes their words hurt me . Which became the reason of my diseases & failure? So from my past life I learn one thing-  tell everything what you feel , never keep anything within your heart. be open hearten , so  now I feel it’s better to tell everything, it can relax your mind as well as heart & helps you for your improvement .so uncover your hidden emotion, it’s the best way to get the peace.  Sometimes we wanna say many things but we can’t tell, sometimes it kills us within us. So I feel it’s better to uncover your all hidden  emotions. I know I am not too perfect or good girl. Still I don’t wanna keep any bad memories with me, so I wanna rebuilt my memories with love. I don’t wanna keep hate or anger with in my heart, so whenever I anger or hate someone I show it. As I know this thought kills me, I always try to become a perfect person so I always tell what comes in my mind. I wanna tell what I feel for others. I don’t know how they will behave but I feel it’s better to tell. If they have humanity & understand the emotions then they could realize my problems & my drawbacks. So I always try to show my all hidden emotions. My problem is I don’t wanna lose my friends in my life. I don’t know after one year whether I could meet everyone or not. Only one year left to stay together & fight with each other. After one year, I’ll surely miss it. It will be one beautiful memory for me, so before leaving this place I want a make everyone smile & wanna reserve a seat in their heart as a friend. I don’t wanna leave with bad memories or hate memories. Even if I don’t wanna keep it, so I wanna flush out my all bad memories through telling everyone what I feel.
I wanna make friendship, as I  always give lots of value to any relationship. So before leaving this place I wanna cry at least once for my friends, I wanna this type of memory. I also cried when I left my college, my school. But here there are no more emotions in my heart, so I wanna rebuilt everything. I know I have no sufficient time to spend with everyone as I have to do a lot of things. But still I am trying to make friendship with everyone, at least with those people who heartily don’t like me. But I don’t know the reason, I wanna know it. What are my drawbacks, why they hate me without any reason? I never behave rudely. I wanna know all the reason so that I can make my friendship further. I am not saying I can win over everyone’s heart but I can win over at least small people. I wanna that much only. So sometimes I uncover my all emotions. I believe in clarifying everything. It may remove your all doubts, so I always busy in remove their all doubts. What I feel, why I did this, what I want, everything…as I wanna keep my friendship with everyone. Yeah, it’s my mistake I can’t give my time to my friends & I am short temper. But I never behave rudely. So I always calm in all matter & wanna solve every problem in a peaceful way. I don’t like war or any hate. Seriously telling. So now my life is like an open book, anyone can read …I have told everything & I feel nothing left to tell. As I always try to remove all the doubts about me & the reasons of their hate. I wanna love everyone. I don’t know after one year, whether I could meet with my all college friends again or not, so why I keep the bad memories, why I left this college with anger & hate memories. I wanna keep good so I always tell what I feel.
So this is my principle, I never try to hurt anyone. I always give my first priority to other emotions but my career & dream is my top most priority. This is my life or whatever you can say. But I don’t wanna hate anyone for my study … so I believe in telling truth & uncover the emotions… uncover the hidden emotion helps you to become a positive attitude person.
So this is my life & my believes …I don’t know what people feel about me…

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