“Success”, something that everybody wants. But, what is success? Indeed, everybody has his own definition of the word. For some, success means having a lot of money, fame and power, but for some, success does not necessarily mean having a lot of money, it’s a self satisfaction. Which comes from our work, but it’s not easy to get.  As everyone wants be success. Some get success, while some satisfy with their present status

Success does not stop at academic level. Everybody has their own definition of a successful career. A good example of a successful career for me would be that of Bill Gates & Steve jobs. I adore Steve jobs, serious telling. I fall in love with those personalities whose life was really struggling.

So what do you mean by struggling   -
When you have no money but your dream is big, still it can’t stop your journey as you mentally make up that you will never ever give up whatever may situation come , you wanna achieve it by hook or by crook  . I love to read the successful women’s life history, how they struggle for making name & fame. I have seen in rare case , where their husband is the reason behind their success. Most of the time a woman stand alone & straggle for herself or his father is her real hero who help her , who actually wants his angel’s success <FOR ME , MY PAPA IS MY SUPER HERO , MY SOUL MATE & THE REASON BEHIND IN MY EVERY VICTORY>.  yeah a woman gets help after achieving something , but to achieve something, she have to pay a lot & most the time their life become a painful journey . still some women also there, who struggle & try to establish their name in the society , finally they did without facing any worst situation. I feel it’s depends on mind set up, if you wanna get success without losing your character then you can do, it will be  hard but worthy one. so choose what make you HISTORY NOT VICTORY.
I love those personalities whose life gave them lots of pain, still they never give up & became a history for us. It really attracts me, my heart force me to love them. I am a different kind of person; I fall in love with personality not face or wealth. I love so many people like – Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King etc…
As a computer engineer I love Steve jobs, he really a remarkable person. When he died - my papa gave me the newspaper & told me to read the full page, after reading his brief life history; I felt everything is possible in this world. He had quality as well as brain, but after getting helpful hand, he proceed & became CEO of Apple. So his life history is really inspiration for all. So here I gonna say “Never give up”. Hope for the best every time. You don’t know miracle can happen anytime. I believe God is not so blind, he will give you what you want, may be in late. So I am doing my job & waiting for my right time, when my god listen me & send someone who can help me in my way. But I can’t stop my journey , I’ll continue my journey till I reach at my destination.

Recently I read one woman writer’s brief autobiography, she is a best seller. She has written one thing, which touched my heart & mind, after that i said to myself – its better stay alone & struggle for success.

When she was 9 years old she started writing poems, but no one was there to encourage her... when she was 21 years old – she started writing for movie. But her husband told NO ONE WANTS TO READ IT, STOP THIS. Then she struggle for her dream, after that she decided to write a novel, she fulfilled her dream at the age of 33 years. She has a little daughter & she is a very good looking lady. Now she is like a celebrity. So success belongs to those who dare. In this world no one wants to hear you or see your success, but always remember god is always with you to hear you. If you are honest to your job so he will surely give you what you want, so never fear to take any serious step or danger step. If u truly belive him.  

So many time people also suggest me, why you work hard – like every women you also marry someone, after that you have to leave job. So don’t be so much serious. Then I answered him- I have a dream & I am totally crazy to fulfill that. I am not telling, I’ll not marry but I am not so fool to marry anyone. I am very serious in this issue. It’s a great mean for me & serious step in my life. because if  you will get a good person or good personality person you will feel you are staying in heaven but  if you will get a person like the previous example <best seller women> then you life will be like hell. Neither you can show your emotion to your parents nor can you tolerate this. That’s why I work hard, as I have a dream.   For this I need money, so where I can get money. I can’t be so much dependent on my parents, I wanna be independent. So getting money first you have to earn money. For serve anyone, you still require money. So money is very essential for everyone, as it fulfill our basic needs. So I am reading for getting money. When I am able to serve, I’ll stop thinking about money. So money is required in every time , in every field & my main problem is  I don’t wanna depended on others specially for money matters. As money can make any relation as well as can break also. Even if I am not sure whether I’ll get any help or not in future. So I am fully prepared my mind from now, “How I have to reach at my destination”. So I’ll walk till I get that thing. It’s good if I’ll get any helping hand in my struggling journey, if not still I’ll not break I’ll continue till I get that. That’s my life …

For me success is myself satisfaction.  Means- when I get something after a long painful journey, It gives me self satisfaction that I have done something good in my life. Till now whatever I achieve,  I achieve alone, I work hard then I get result , no supporter  ( except my parents ). No luck also helps me. Sometimes I feel so astonished how people get something easily, it sometimes make me cry. It’s doesn't mean I feel jealous, I cry because for my fate. Why god so much rude for me, why he give me so much pain. Then I always get one answer- TRY ONCE MORE. This “once more” answer makes me mentally strong.  So for me success means when I’ll get something, what I like most or what I want most. I am crazy to get that. That’s my success. I never care this world. This world will not cry for me in future. As I am already an experienced person – when failure becomes your best friend – no bobby will know what you are & who you are. So I wanna show my ability. I don’t care any drawbacks, I believe SUCCESS BELONGS TO THOSE WHO DARE.

Once cannot have a happy life if nobody in the society likes him/her. To know whether one is successful or not in the society, one should ask himself, “What difference would it make if I was not here?” There is not many ways to gain respect in the society. If you give respect, you get respect. Here again, I believe that having a successful life will help. For me being successful in a society is when children look at you and say “When I grow up, I want to be like her”
So I welcome my problems, I wanna be a PEACE MAKER – what I have already started from this days. Now I am trying to do from my hostel life. How I can peace my mind & how I can tolerate everything. Which may helps in my future life? If my hostel life is like a pool then my future life will be like sea. So if I don’t know how to swim in the pool, how can I expect that I can swim in the sea? I don’t know in future my death may be my final worst result, STILL I DON’T CARE. I DON’T FEAR FOR DEATH, I FEAR IF I COULDN'T DO WITH IN MY LIFE TIME OR CAN’T FULFILL MY ALL DREAMS. 

PS: - friends here all things related to my life & my thinking. No other person include here. It’s not easy to understand me, as sometimes my parents also confuse what I wanna say. So never try to understand me, you will confuse. Actually I am very flexible, so it’s not easy to judge me. Very few people in this world who truly know me – that’s my PARENTS ONLY.  Except them .in this world no one.  So never judge me, if you wanna judge then judge me fully not half - because when ever people judge me they reach at wrong direction, which hurts me. 

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