“Every new day is another chance to change your life.” ~Unknown
You can make a history, just believe in yourself. Everyone can do, as I believe  But all are not so enthusiasm. so when you start to love your work, you can make HISTORY /VICTORY .  Sometimes I have seen how people fear to face anything.
You can begin your day with lots of hope & dream. Live each day like it’s your last day, live for yourself & live for those who need you. We all need each other; we can’t live a life without others. So start your day with a beautiful smile & with a great hope that EVERYTHING GONNA BE FINE. So be positive always.
So my question is what should be the definition of fear ???
So here I am going to give my opinions -
1) Which make you sad?
2) Which make you feel Unsafe?
3) Which you don’t wanna face
So these are the basic reasons of fear :-
1) Which make you sad?
Everyone has a story, which make them sad. Even if I have also. My past dreams blew blew .  so try to overcome fear , try to face all situations alone.
Sometimes I have seen  how people tell one thing repeatedly which make you sad. They know very well, it’s a great way to down you. So when they feel all roads block they try this. Sometimes they succeed by using this wrong process. It’s my own experience.
 I am a mind reader & I can’t believe anyone blindly, so when I read someone’s mind  & I get some hints that , that person wants to down me. I change my mentality suddenly to confuse them. Seriously telling. It’s not too easy to make me fool; yeah sometimes I become fool due to my nature & limit cross stupidity . It also true I was fool in my past life but now I am too wise to take any good decision as well as understand the people.
So here I wanna say, if something make you fear or you don’t wanna listen, try to overcome it.try to control your mind as well as heart. Say repeatedly to yourself  “I wanna face it. I don’t fear anything” . So never give a chance to others to make you cry or down you. It’s the biggest sign for them to make you down. So be CAREFUL, there are no BEST FRIEND / GOOD FRIEND/ TRUE FRIEND ,In this world. so before going to make friendship judge them very well as well as if possible examine their mind , as I have seen how friends are for good time not for your  bad time.
2) Which make you feel unsafe-? 
For a girl her character is very important. So she always fears for this. So this is fear for insecurity of life. As now a day’s rape / gang rape/ murder / rubbery etc is a big issue. We all fear this, as no one wants to die without any reason. But if you fear at that time, you will lose your confidence & you will become a victim. So never fear & try to protect yourself how to you can. Try to fight for your life, till your last breath. But if you fear in this situation, be sure that DIE IS KNOCKING YOUR DOOR.  Yeah, I agree. It’s not too easy to collect courage in that situation; it’s easy to say but very hard to do. But it’s also true, in both ways we will die. So try to fight for your life.
So here I wanna say, never lose hope how much worst condition may arise. Think for the best & move on.
3) Which you don’t wanna face
Everyone has some weak point, which they don’t wanna face. It makes them mentally weak. I feel mentally weak is more painful than physically weak. As Brain is most powerful organ in a body, if that part will be weak then you can’t do anything properly, even if having good health. So try to overcome your fear, it may become your big obstacle in your future life.
Like ! I gonna give you one example here:-
 You too hate to make any friendship as well as too hate to believe anyone. As in previous life due to your believe you face many problems, how people take advantages your friendship, how they use your name. So it may make you worry sometimes. That’s why you afraid of making any good friendship with anyone or you fear to face it again. So in this situation I wanna say – “try to believe further, try to make friendship further with different people” . But before making friendship or before you’re believe anyone - think twice & judge him/her very well. After that you can be sure yes, that person is good.
Sometimes people also take advantage of it; they knew what you hate & what make you mentally weak. So they force you by their sweet words or good activity to do the same mistake again. Like – one of your friends knows how you faced the problem or root of the problem. When they feel jealous or wanna down you. They take it as an advantage. They try to motivate your mind further in that direction, by their sweet words & beautiful behavior. When they success in their planning, they leave you alone to face that worst situation. As their main motto is to down you. So be careful always. Your good friend / true friend also can do this with you, to down you. As they take it as a greatest as well as easiest way to down you. So don’t agree with anyone in any matter, no matter who they are. As most of the time whom you believe so much, they hurt you most by their action. So be careful with whom you are making friendship or whom you believe.
But according to me, I can’t believe anyone in this world blindly <EXCEPT MY PARENTS & MY GOD>. Seriously telling. My great problem is I JUDGE TOO MUCH. AS I FACED MANY WORST SITUATIONS IN MY PAST LIFE, DUE TO MY LIMIT CROSS STUPIDITY. NOW I DON’T WANNA FACE THAT SITUATION FURTHER, THAT’S WHY I ALWAYS READ THE MIND. IT ALSO HELPS ME A LOT. But alas, every time I fail in friendship (Yeah, I have friends & also some good friends. But how I want I never get such kind of friend, means – TOTALLY FAITHFUL & TRUE FRIEND). MY BAD LUCK. I have some friends whom I believe little. They are like my good friends & most of the time I spend with them. But I can’t believe anyone blindly .
So here I wanna say – face that situation which makes you worry, but this time don’t do the same mistake what you have done in your past life. For which you faced problems.
Never believe anyone blindly. Before making any friendship or before believe anyone try to examine their mind and then allow them to enter into heart.

So, ask yourself today:

What would you like to do, and what fear is holding you back from doing it? 

We are all afraid of something, each and every one of us. The question is: does your fear prevent you from doing things?

Make a list

Take a sheet of paper and make a list of your goals and what fear is holding you back. Use the word “but” in your phrase. For example:”I would love to be self-employed, but I’m afraid to give up the security of my job. “Or “I would love to learn swimming, but I’m too afraid of water.” Replace “but” with “and,” you’ll notice that lots of things can exist side by side, without having to exclude each other. In fact, there is suddenly the option of a compromise between your desire and your fear.

So Embracing your fears does not make them disappear miraculously. They are still there, telling you why you must n’t do this or that. But you can choose not to be held back by them. Listen to the ramblings of your fears, but follow your own path nevertheless.
Try these; I hope you will surely get good result…



These are purely my opinion – hope u all get what I wanna say. Hope it will be useful for all. 
Thanks for reading my article.

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