This article specially dedicate to both father’s day as well as mother’s day. As both are important part of our life. We can’t ignore any of them. We need both. So now I gonna share my thoughts & my experience here. Hope u all like it & understand my emotions . 
I too love my papa, may be he is the only male person whom I believe blindly & love him too much. So when I was child, I marked how my grand papa scold my papa & my papa listen his all words silently without using any rough word. Sometimes I astonished how my tolerate his rough words, as I was very possessive for my papa’s case. I could n’t tolerate if anyone tell anything to my papa. One day I scold my grand papa for this reason , that day I was severely bitten by my papa & mama. I can’t forget day, huh …: P
          One day  night further my grand papa scold my papa & I saw how he tolerated everything silently, even if he did n’t do any mistake. So this time I fear to scold or tell anything to my garnD papa / fear to interfere between my grand papa & my papa. But I could n’t tolerate I told my mom to scold my grand papa & tell him to not to scold my papa. Then she explained me everything why she don’t wanna interfere & why he scold my papa.
Actually in my family my parents never hide anything, they tell me everything . they always try to explain me everything because then wanna make me a perfect girl , they can’t see me in wrong direction or doing any work what they did n’t do . so my mom explained me everything -
First she told me why she becomes angry when I come home late <after school end>, why she fears whenever I go outside in night. Why she fear to send my brother to market in night. Why?? :/
Because she loves us, she can’t tolerate if anyone harm us. That’s why sometimes she became angry upon us; she shows her emotions & love through her anger. That’s the reason why grand papa scolded my papa. Actually he loved him too much, as he is the only child & he couldn’t tolerate if in case my papa get harm. He showed his love through his anger, as my papa had gone to market in a stormy weather in night time. My grandpapa became too tensed, that’s the reason he scolded him & my papa knew why he scold him that’s why he was silent. He also loves his papa very much. I have seen how my grand papa can feel my papa’s touch at the age of 86 years old, when he lost his consciousness s, at that time he couldn’t see anything properly . Still he could feel the touch of my papa & our also. It sometimes made me cry, actually every day before going to work my papa touched the feet of my grandpapa & took his blessings then he went for any work. Without his blessings he never had gone to anywhere. I love this quality of my papa . I cried too much when my grandpa is in last stage, he totally lost his consciousness & he forgot everything. My mom became his mother & my papa was his like father at that time . I astonished “one day his condition was totally worst , we felt this is his last stage , but when my papa touched his feet , he rose his hand for give blessings. He couldn’t sit still his work showed his love”. I couldn’t tolerate this & I pray before my god  “please give him a new life. I couldn’t see him in this condition”. But alas DEATH IS THE ONLY TRUTH. I LOST MY GRAND MAMA & GRANDPAPA. Now I feel totally alone. I don’t wanna go that home, where we all lived together. It makes me cry, I feel suffocating sometimes, whenever I go to my actual home. Some images etches  in front of my eyes. How much I try I can’t remove.
So this is the father & son relation, I couldn’t describe more about my grand mom as I lost her when I was 8 years old. Still some of her  memories etches in front of eyes & my heart says I wanna need them back.
One day I asked my papa why he became silent when my grand papa scold – he told me one beautiful thing. “Anger is signifies the love. If someone  <your near dear person>scolds you mean he/she loves you a lot”. When we love most we always fear to lose them. Even if we know nothing will happen still we fear. That’s the human mind. So he always scold me for my mistakes, how we scold you for your mistake. For parents a child always is like a child no matter how many milestones you have covered or how much experienced person you are. You still like an innocent little child before your parents. They always take you as little child, that’s why they scold. So if u answers them back/ scold them/ use rough words , it hurts them a lot. So never hurts you parents, how much worst situation may come. Never hurt, as they are like living god, their blessings can save you from all worst situation & lastly my papa told “I love my parents too much that’s why I silent in every time “ . I know sometimes they scold me unnecessarily still I believe them, as they are much knowledgeable person & they are the only person in this world who can give their life for me. So I never mind their words. I am telling these things to you, as I also expect this thing from you when you become younger.
I am very curious from my childhood days  & I love to know the all reasons behind every matter & that’s why,  what question I asked my papa the same question I asked my mom to know her view. She told be very beautiful lines.
When I asked her “why she don’t tell anything when my grand papa or grand mama talk with her roughly <sometimes>” then she told me, “they also love me too much, how much they love your papa. They fell little bit insecure. Like when a boy marriage he become under the control of his wife, that’s main the reason why most of the time quarrel is a big issue in most of the family. It disturbs the whole family. So if you wanna a good family, try to analyze every situation. What I do, it’s not too easy to be a woman, as here you have to win all the hearts. Sometimes you have to tolerate more to make a home into heaven. A woman can only do this. But it needs good mentality women. Many wicked women also there who separate the family & became the reason of a broken house. But for me how I look my mom, in the same way I look my mother here. As I know I have to stay here my whole life & now it’s my family. so I never mind whatever they tell , as most of time they feel insecure , as they fear to lose their son after marriage. No parents want to lose their son, especially a mother - as a mother’s life is his son. When she becomes widow at that time her son become everything for her. So every parent needs their son in the end of their life , as they unable to earn money & sometimes unable to take care of themselves but they can’t be sure in daughter case.  As they don’t know how her husband is or they don’t wanna break his daughter’s home for their self purpose. So they avoid to stay in their daughter’s house. Still some great daughters also there who forget their family for their parents.
That’s the main reason why parents feel irritate in their old age <it’s one of the reason, many reasons are there behind irritation in old days>,  If we love them truly & care them then their fearness will remove, their irritation is because of their fear. Then lastly she also told my papa’s words “I am telling you these things, as we also expect these thing from you.”
But at that time I was small , so I never take it into heart, but when I became younger , I saw many incidents which made me cry. I heard many cases, even if I asked many poor parents about their conditions. They also explained me their situations. Sometimes it’s totally heart breaking – how a son beat his father or mother <generally it happens in poor & illiterate family, in rich family son have no time to take care of his parents.> cases are same but situation is different. So after interacting with many parents & their conditions. I feel,  I am so blessed “I have got such a nice parents, whose moral thoughts as well as behavior helps me to make a perfect girl.” I don’t know how much I am good or perfect but I always try to like my parents, I wanna adopt their idea or moral thoughts. As they are My great idol, how they treat their parents & others , I wanna do the same things.
They always tell me one thing- there is no difference between any mother & father. All are same. So love all & respect all.  Show your love towards a poor parents as well as rich parents. Both are same. Both can give you a great gift, that’s the cheapest one & greatest  one that’s - THEIR BLESSINGS. IT WILL HELP YOU A LOT. That’s the reason I love my parents too much. I also wanna say everyone should love their parents.
I have also seen some parents love their child too much but they can’t express their love, so try to understand them the love behind of their anger. Try to understand your parents …
Never leave them alone when they became old, treat them as your own son & daughter. As they need that kind of care & love in their old age. In their old age they feel more insecure, so show your love & care at that time. Proof your love towards them .it can make them happy. I don’t know about others. But for  me When my parents smile – I feel whole world is smiling. I always pray before my lord “OH GOD, TAKE MY SMILE & GIVE THEM. AS WHEN THEY SMILE I SMILE. THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE FROM MY HEART, THEY ARE MY HEART”…
Lastly I wanna say to all boys  -never leave your parents for your wife, you know her  1yr / 2yr/ 10 yr… but your parents knows you & loves you from your birth. How can you forget this? Don’t be so much selfish, try to understand your parents, love them unconditionally.  
As there is a proverb  “son is son till his marriage, daughter is daughter till her death”
Be like a good person, as everyone has an evil side & good side. But some people love to use their evil side to destroy others, so be good, do some good things for others. The most important thing is never forget your parents, as they are the only person for whom you are now in this world. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS LINE! 

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