In our life we face many situations, some stay in our heart as good & some as bad memories. But we all flush out our bad memories & keep the good memories. I believe we all should keep both GOOD AS WELL AS BAD, as both help us in our future life. People forget everything according to time but I believe it’s not correct, no one can forget everything. There is something which always within our heart.

1) Which hurt you badly?
2) Which make you feel proud?

So we people can’t forget these two. Sometimes we pretend like we forget everything but the truth is we never forget anything. I am telling about me I forget everything BUT I CAN’T FORGET IF SOMEONE HURT ME BADLY OR INSULT ME UNNECESSARILY  As I never hurt anyone if someone hurt me I can’t tolerate this. I never do what they have done but it’s true I can’t sit silently. I am not that kind of girl who tolerates everything; sorry this is not my quality. I can’t be. I can’t tolerate INJUSTICE, WRONG WORK. I know Now  this world is a competitive world but I think there should be humanity in everyone’s heart. I may do competition but I never wanna get anything in a wrong process or to get anything I can harm others or hurt others. But now a day’s people don’t care others emotions. If someone rises then other try their best how to pull his / her leg. But they don’t realize their work may affect others. So here I wanna say be good for everyone. Be a competitor but that should be in a good way.
Help someone when someone need it , in our day today life we meet with many people but all can’t win our heart. yeah but some people win our heart through their activities. a person character & work touches the heart not their looks. as I believe  so I always emphasize on my work & character. I always help everyone when they need me  but I love to help someone when he/she actually needed, that’s the reason now I have very few friends & many enemies. But it gives me pain, whom I helped in their worst time they forget me & my work. Still I never forget my principle. I’ll continue it. As I know my god is there to help me. So why should I worry & for whom. As I know everything is temporary. So I never emotionally attach with everyone, yeah I may show my empathy but I am not so much emotionally attached. I am emotionally attached with those people whom I love from my heart & their number is very few. Yeah in my previous life I was emotionally attached with everyone but I marked people took it as advantage. So now I changed my nature, I am emotionally attach with those people whom I can believe blindly not with everyone. I can’t love everyone. Sometimes people call me OLD MENTALITY GIRL, AS I TOO HATE TO FAULT OTHERS OR I CAN’T BE COMPLICATED LIKE OTHERS OR I DON’T DO WHAT OTHERS DO. Yeah they are right; I may modernize from my mind how to develop our society in a scientific way or HOW TO MODERNIZE OUR WORLD IN SCIENTIFICALLY & HOW TO EQUALIZE GIRLS & BOYS. But I can’t be modernize  what’s  wrong. I can’t follow wrong path to call myself a modern girl. Sorry I can’t do like that. I TOO HATE  BLIND BELIEVES  & DISCRIMINATION  but I love our past culture TRUE FRIENDSHIP , TRUE LOVE , HONESTY SINCERITY ETC. so I take modern in a different sense, I support what’s good but I can’t support what’s bad. I don’t care if people call me OLD MENTALITY GIRL. I don’t care, I love the way I am & I PROUD OF IT…
BELIEVE - A good person has also enemy, so a person can’t be good for all / loved by everyone. Even if Gandhi ji also killed by Nathuram godse , so I believe a person can’t be good for all. Sometimes you have to face many worst situations to do something good. We always don’t think for reward while we do something good for others. I love those people who do good for others. I don’t care who he/she is, I gladly to help them how much I can. I believe if you help someone unconditionally then god will help you in your worst time. No doubt god will not help you directly but he always help you indirectly. So always do well for everyone.
I gonna share my experience when I became alone & have no friends in my life I felt god is there with me, even if he also helped me indirectly. No doubt my worst time helped me a lot, it made me strong & helped me to become a person I always wish for. I was very fool in my past life but after facing a long struggle, I became matured, I am not like that previous sweta.

I have learnt many things from life

1) People enter & leave, so don’t destroy your life for short term emotions.
2)  love everyone but be careful & watch their each & every activities.
3) Be a competitor but never hurt anyone or harm anyone for your computation
4) help someone when someone needed, as friend in need a friend in deed
5) Don’t tell your weakness before anyone even if your close friends. 

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