We all love to listen/ read / watch the love & romantic story/ movie. But what we read from a book or watch in any movie, love is not type. Now a days it’s meaning totally changed . So here I gonna share my idea about today’s love.
Especially the people between age “15-30 “are more excited in love case. When you become older, your excitation for love also becomes less. It’s a general issue. Love always like every green in your heart, it does n’t matter how old are you, but you feel shame to show it when you become older. Now I gonna discuss about today’s love life & love meaning. I am writing in a funny way. So please don’t take it by heart. I am going to tell the truth in a funny way. It’s the actual true fact, what I have seen & what actually happens. So I gonna start my topic, hope you all enjoy this.

I have divided TODAY’S LOVE in 5 different types

1) Flirting type

2) Showing type

3) Mean type

4) Sexual type

5) Real type

 It’s just like a pyramidal order according to number. It’s a decreasing order if you go down word. Means flirting kind of love is more than showing type then means type then sexual type then real type.  It’s the true fact. What actually going in this society & what the teen ages usually do. Mostly teen age people do the FIRST THREE… little bit younger or younger people do the last TWO. Actually in teen age time the mind really flying, your can’t stop your heart from beating for others. It’s just like first day in your college first crush then suddenly you saw a new girl then your heart beat for her.
Sometimes you also feel like! OH GOD, PLEASE SHE MAY NOT HAVE ANY BOY FRIEND OR HE MAY NOT HAVE ANY GIRL FRIEND. HE IS SO HANDSOME / SHE IS DAMN PRETTY & SEXY. It’s a general language. Which may be odds for adult people but it’s common for young & teen ages  sometimes we also use our unusual words before our parents or our family members. It’s just like all of sudden but it’s after effect is too bad. Who is watching what you are doing in college / school. If you are mama’s good boy or papa’s good angel then whole world is good for you. But it’s not right. As we fear our parents so we don’t show our evil face before them, sometimes our parents also can’t understand us due to our drama. We show our actual face before our friends. We do whatever we want. It’s the general case & I believe everyone faced or facing this. Like this love is like a game now days. Now days it has no meaning. Seriously telling. Everyone take it in a silly way. Sometimes people play with others emotions. in this world everyone are not same type , so before playing with other’s heart think twice or judge once how he/she is. Whether she/he is taking your love seriously or not. If he/she is taking then it’s better to close this chapter, I believe it’s better to close the first chapter if you can’t read the full book. So if you have planned to write your whole story then start chapter wise. Otherwise close it or never start it from middle, start it from beginning. It’s the best planning. Here you can understand both of you. I have seen people think arrange marriage is better than love marriage. But I believe LOVE MARRIAGE is better as here you can know about someone from the beginning but in arrange marriage you have to compromise lots of things. yeah , in our past days ARRANGE MARRIAGES  were successful as people are too good but now a day’s society is totally changed , you can’t believe anyone without any proof. So I feel its better Love marriage. But where you can get a person whom you can believe blindly. Seriously telling, now days I can’t believe any guy. As I have seen many cases every time I have seen boys have girl friends but they refuse you. So how can you be sure that whom you love that person is GOOD & LOYAL.. Can you???...sorry NO, according to me - don’t believe anyone blindly. Neither boys or nor girls, as no one is loyal in today’s world. Even if I also watched many episodes EMOTIONAL ATYCHAR. Here I have seen how girls cheating boys & boys also. Forget about reality show, I have seen in real many of my friend’s case. Even if I have also judge many guys. So I never fall in love as in the first look I can guess how a boy is? It’s not always correct, but sometimes my guess also correct.  I have marked many guys are for fluting purpose & showing up. Sometimes people advice me like YOU COULD N’T UNDERSTAND HIM, I laugh at that moment. I don’t replay but I know. Sometimes people also motive your mind but be careful don’t listen others if your heart says No! He /She is not good. As our heart can’t cheat us. The most demerits of BOYS are – they can’t tolerate “insult & if any girl tell him NO <IN LOVE CASE>”. By hook or by crook they forced her to tell him “yes”. After faulting few days they leave that girl. This is actually happen, I have seen. So I have no believes in LOVE & SPECIALLY THIS TODAY’S LOVE. So when ever people suggest me in any love case or tell me about any boy or try to create a good impression before me. I JUST IGNORE THAT, I NEVER LISTEN THEM.  That’s the reason I NEVER CHEATED IN LOVE, yeah I was cheated in case of friendship, and I always become FOOL, not in love. So here I am saying BE CAREFUL WHOM YOU LOVE, AS LOVE HAS A GREAT POWER TO DESTROY YOU WHOLLY.
So through this article I gonna tell how people take LOVE in today’s world.



This is a common type. A single boy & many girls or a single girl & many boys. It just like times passes & mind fresh. It specially found in teen ages time. In this age mind & heart become like bird. They can’t be constant. They fly from one girl to another. This love is external love; they are not so much emotionally attached with you. They are just for fun proposes. Sometimes some people do this for win in the competition. Like MANY BOYS TRY TO WIN ONE GIRL’S HEART, SO HERE BOYS TRY THEIR BEST TO WIN HER HEART. WHOM SHE YES, HE WIN. This is for short time. Sometimes flute also convert into love. But it’s rare. So don’t believe any flutter. Once you know that someone’s flirt with you it’s better to stay away from him/her. As sometimes a small flirting can create a big problem in your future life. So play wisely.


It’s kind of flirting. But here a boy & girl has not relationship even if love relation also. But they show up that they love each other. Sometimes a girl do avoided other boys. Sometimes a boy to show his friends that he won that girl’s heart to make feel jealous his friends. Sometimes people show up to get something. Sometimes from this showing up love starts. But here there is no intention for any love matter but it can convert also. it’s not harmful , it’s a gentle love .


Now a day’s many girls are there who love others for their self purpose, to get thing done. They love boys to get money & get a comfort life. It’s a general issue. I have also seen many girls as well as boys also. I have seen also how girls recharge his boy friend’s mobile even if give him money & girls also do the same thing VICE VERSE. But sometimes it becomes harmful for you. So it’s better to stay always from mean minded boys or girls. Yeah, its k. if you beg help, but drama of love is not good. Here you are playing with someone’s emotions for yourself purpose. So be careful WHOM YOU LOVE.


Even if now a day’s love is converted into sex type. Which mainly destroy the meaning of love? It pollutes the word like love. Love is pure & god, but it destroys its whole meaning. Now days this is a general issue, you can seen TEEN AGE MOMS or HOW BOYS USE THEIR INNOCENT GIRL FRIENDS. The main reason is FAKE LOVE. Yeah, if they a boy & girl both do sex in their own interest then it’s ok. But sometimes people cheat their girl friends, now days it’s the main issue. RAPE MURDER, HOW A BOY FRIENDS RAPE HIS GIRL FRIEND & MURDER HER. So here I wanna say, before love anyone thick twice whom you love. We can’t see a cruel face behind a beautiful face. So while love anyone open your mind & heart & see the world. Don’t ignore their silly faults, till you know him fully. Because your one ignorance may give him confidence to do crime. So never allow them to fall in love with you. Stay away from them. I know it’s difficult, as every time we can’t love from our mind but as society already changed we have to change our mind.


Love is god & pure. I believe in love & I believe LUCKY PEOPLE get TRUE LOVE. In this world it’s very difficult to get TRUE LOVE /REAL LOVE. If you have then you are the luckiest person in this world. As how much I have seen neither you can believe any girl or boy. So how can you say your love is real? Still I believe real love exist, I have seen also but it’ number is very few. Till now I have seen only 2-3 couple <MY FRIENDS> who really love each other. So here I wanna say, if you have found your real love never leave him/her. As it’s very precious. Love has power to change you. Love has power to change your luck & life. So understand deep meaning of love & feel it. Never cheat anyone or play with anyone’s felling. You may win in the game through cheating but you will lose that person for forever. So never play or show your fake motions LOVE IS GOD, BELIEVE IT, FEEL IT…


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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