Oh, yes!
“I know love is game but I hate to be a part of it”. This love is called MODERN LOVE, where we just play with different hearts & feelings. Here feeling has no value, just for getting benefit from it.

You know what big difference between MODERN LOVE & OLD LOVE is ?

You may heard one proverb - "OLD is gold" – yeah, I love this proverb, meaningful too. All OLD LOVES are TRUE, because  their love were unconditional, they were pure. They LOVED each others as they love from their heart & their soul was one . They were just like Two HEART & One SOUL.  
U can take many famous love – Lela & majnu -  many more . I believe TRUE LOVE is very rare in this world.

So now question is what do you mean by LOVE, how much it means to you?

Because sometimes we say "we are in love" but very few people really mean it, it’s very easy to say this FOUR LETTER WORDS – L. O. V. E. – but very difficult to define & keep. Because the road is full of throne & pain. So if you wanna stay with your love then is prepared for the worst.

Love is the connection between two strangers, Two BODY but One SOUL. They bind with a strong connection, it just like COVELENT BOND, very difficult to break & Like a DIAMOND, Dazzle even it dark. Means TRUE LOVE is very difficult to break & it’s purity like fragrance spreader all over the world. When LOVE is pure & true that’s called TRUE LOVE. Which very rare in this MODERN LOVE.  OLD LOVE was not physical attraction that was purely from the heart & end with the heart.

Just “Thinking of love purely as romance or commitment that you share with one special person, as it appears most on earth do"

So now may question arise in your mind what is MODERN LOVE, WHAT I MEAN ACTUALLY?

This means that people love their partners for a small period of time, after their work finished or after they got help they become further like stranger. Just like “OUT OF SIDE OUT OF MIND “. You can relate this love relation with friends, co-workers and complete strangers.

We all fall in love but we always fail to distinguish between “Modern Love?”  & “True Love?”  

Can you believe this love which change time to time, is n’t love supposed to be timeless and unchanging? Unfortunately as the world has progressed, we have to walk with that.Now a days Most of the love includes dating then physical relation then forget like nothing has happen. BE STRANGER AGAIN .In my opinion dating is the worse scene. Now days, it does n’t matter whether you mean LOVE or not still they do dating. They do for relaxation. 

"Now about knowing where to go, who to be seen with, what to wear, how much money you have and how to act."

Any little mistake in the dating scene can lead to a huge mishap, so tread lightly!

Modern love does n’t need heart connection, it requires a lot foresight & intelligence .because here you deal with mind. I have gained these skills all too well throughout college. Means I never date any guy but I always love to judge, as I too hate to be a part of LOVE GAME OR MODERN LOVE.

Realities of “modern love”, it has power to give you lots of pain, as it’s a mind game. If u play it through heart then be sure you gonna be fail here, if you play it safe then you will be more benefited. MODERN LOVE is for getting benefit or getting pleasure, not for staying together till death.

Now LOVE is just like

"I am so confused about what I want, that I don't know
who I want.”

“MODERN LOVE” as an empty, painful commitment defined and reviewed by society. “MODERN LOVE” can be understood as loveless marriage, only present for social status and stability. MODERN LOVE expresses the feelings of those who suffer from the unruly contract; “modern love” did not concern feelings and expression. Which leads to true feelings to express the unhappiness and pain of a “modern love” marriage?
MODERN LOVE, the husband recognizes the pained relationship he and his wife share; he represents the empty, unwanted feelings of “MODERN LOVE”. They both marry for status not for live together happily, do you really feel Marriage should be like this. 

What I mean about LOVE?

My question?
We're all probably at the point in our lives where we can say we have loved more than once. But can you be in love with more than one person at the same time?
The characteristic of true love is evergreen nature “it is one-in-a-lifetime passion”. It just like “this is what we all want, however difficult it proves for most of us to find”. “TRUE LOVE” is a passion that is an authentic and free expression of one’s innermost self.
Love makes it possible for every one of us to find one’s proper place in the world and to define one. It leads one to the discovery of one’s true identity (we often say that we find true understanding in the loved one, someone who really understands us): one’s identity, one’s true self is found in another person, in what he or she sees in one. This other person, immediately recognized (thus true love is love at first sight), then is recognized as one’s destiny, the One, and finding love at once also becomes self-realization, giving meaning to life as a whole. It is this that we all want--not simply affection or companionship or sex. In fact, the relationship between the essence of love-experience, which is self-affirmation and sex, which is usually connected to it, is quite complicated.


Say "I LOVE YOU" , When you really mean it . 

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