Have you ever ask this question to yourself, what can make you successful . what are the basic needs to become a successful personality , I may be a failure personality but now slowly slowly I gotta know the meaning of life . when I realized what are the different ways to become successful and what I can do , I don’t have much time left as I already spoiled my important period unnecessarily, this may be unnecessary for others but for me it’s necessary because for me my dream is important but some take it as wastage of time and fake explanation  . one important lesson I learnt from my life – WORLD DON’T NEED ANY EXPLANATION , IT WANTS TO SEE ONLY RESULT . NO RESULT MEANS YOUR ALL LABOR AND ALL MISFORTUNE AND EVERYTHING WILL GO IN VAIN DUE TO  YOUR OWN FAILURE LIFE . IF YOU ARE WINNER , NO BODY IS GOING TO SEE HOW YOU GOT THAT AS EVERYONE BUSY IN PRAISING YOU , AS PER TIME TRUTH COMES OUT BUT TILL THAT DAY YOU’LL ENJOY YOUR LIFE EVEN IT DOESN’T MEAN ALL PUNISHED BY GOD (Those who follow wrong path to make them successful) . Still live like a successful personality is more worthy than live like a failure personality. my past life lessons are like my path shower for me now . Sometimes your failure life is the stepping stone towards your success.

So what makes someone successful ?


Among these 5 which is most important factor to become a successful personality . Different people , different perception but I think all these play a big role in our life in different amount as per the Goal meter. Your Goal and your Dream decides how much amount these parameters needs for your Success.
Now I am going to explain about my all 5 parameters from my view and my life lessons. I am going to share my view as per my goal , you’ll decide as per your - which parameter need more for you and which never does.


Ideas are stepping stone towards your goal , without idea you can’t do anything. Now we have everything so trying something new or invent something new is called real talent.
Before Facebook , orcut was there. orcut was the first social networking site .
So we just modify everything , everything present but we modify as per our ideas and human needs. how it become more impressive and more successful. sometimes Your impressive ideas makes you successful too which neither Money nor support does.
When you don’t have ideas you have to BUY OR STEAL . forget about business  , in business we all steal others ideas and this is legal too as this is the way to survive and get better product in market. More competition means more better product and more risk to be failed , for which we all get new products in cheap rate too , look at the mobile phones , there was a time one simple mobile without wifi and 2 Mega pixel camera was more than 5000 rupees , now you can get all these within 1 mobile even within 5000/- . so in this competitive world , we all try to make our business more successful which indirectly helpful for consumers .
Now comes to movies , serials , songs , writers .
Now everyday one movie release in somewhere in this world , like wise serials too , if you will compare you’ll find old 10-20 years old serials theme /movie theme are match with some new serials only the life style changes. Like wise songs also – some song composers steal some other song compose , either modify form .   some writer also steal some others ideas , watch near about 10-20 movies collect the ideas and wrote in your way giving more ornamental words and beautiful way. If you’ll read books , you’ll find now a days most of the novels match with others , sometimes some paragraph and sometimes some lines too. some also write books based on someone’s real life story.  so writing novels are very easy if you are good in writing and if you have sufficient money to get publish . still all can’t be a writer or composer or producer or director , all need talent , everything present but you should know how to show it before public. Cheating or Modifying is not illegal in present competitive world.
That’s why ideas play big role in our life , without idea you can’t do anything. If you have ideas then you can do anything.  


Talent is the other form of idea , talent means when you invent something new which never present till now or seen before. Talent makes you more successful in your unique career. Talent means try something new, new ideas or can say fresh idea which you never seen before.
Talent is also how to make your dream true, how to get the things done. When a poor guy got IIT OR MEDICAL OR IAS/IPS is called talent, when someone invent something that also call talent. Talent is how you complete your work within lots of obstacles.
Talent like word comes when obstacle arise in your life , a person’s real talent rise in the darkest moment , so never ever ignore your bad period , may be it is trying to show your inner value or inner talent.
Talent is God gifted , I believe - in this world everyone have talent in something and it always not about education sometimes it’s about sing , paint , acting , politics and writing - otherwise anyone can be Singer or painter or entrepreneur  or writer or actor. No doubt you need feedback still talent matters . Like – you have good knowledge in English , it doesn’t make a GOOD WRITER , having knowledge can’t help you if you don’t have interest in that or you are a creative personality.

Talent is something hidden within you but you need to flourish it , you need to give it life by your own effort.


Dream or Goal without confident is like fish without water, if you don’t have confident better should give up. Because confidence gives you 80% power to do something big or take risk.
But this also true having only confident can’t help you if you don’t have others 4  factors like IDEA , TALENT , MONEY AND SUPPORT.  This also true , Confident comes when everything goes perfect in your life , means overall positive surrounding but it doesn’t mean we should lose our confident when everything goes wrong , if we do so it means we are moving in wrong direction or can say we are moving towards a failure life. Confidence added value in your life. No confidence means No perfect Success.


Money is major part towards success, No money means your dream is like dream for forever. Money gives you everything to get success , but yes ! this also true if you have only money neither idea nor talent or support you can’t rise or get success. Money plays a big role in the same time money also don’t play any role when you don’t have talent and idea. People say “Don’t run after money otherwise it’ll take you towards hell” I think in present world this sentence is totally imperfect for all dreamers. There was a time people goes metro cities with less money but become a big successful personality in next period , take many example like – DHERU BAI AMBANI , TATA AND BIRLA etc. In present world Money plays a such a big role, No money means forget about help, No one will look at you too because of corruption and demand of money. Earning money in a honesty way is much more important than choose shortcuts.
Money really take you towards hell , if you follow wrong step to earn much money in short time. Earn money through Honesty way may take long time to earn but it has value and it’ll never take you towards hell or ruin your image .  
Money can buy people but not Love and someone’s value. Better chose your journey as per money.


Support is the last but most important factor towards success. if you have no support no matter how much you try , it’s very difficult to rise. Sometimes your family support sometimes your society for rise. There is a proverb “BEHIND ALL SUCCESSFUL MAN A WOMAN PRESENT” , this is true . but when it comes to women , why not behind a successful woman a man present , why people say behind a successful woman a painful story or struggling story present. Why there is a proverb – GOOD WOMEN RARELY MAKE HISTORY , it shows like we are still living in male dominated society , our society never allow women to rise. Most of the society wants to see women either as a ACTOR OR WRITER OR SINGER OR PAINTER OR SOCIAL WORKER OR LECTURE OR BANKER ETC ETC , why she can’t be scientist or successful technician .
When it comes to education, if you don’t have book you can’t you get IIT/MEDICAL/IAS but if you have books then you can get IIT without help , if you are really talented. Support matters in which way that varies as per profession and position. For a highly talented student , no much educational support required but a poor talent student need much support , ALL CAN’T BE GOOD IN EDUCATION - IF A PERSON IS NOT GOOD IN EDUCATION MEANS HE/SHE MAY BE GOOD IN ANY OTHER FIELD , GOD IS GREAT , HE MAKES PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT PERSONALITY AND TALENT.

Support from family side – support plays a big role here , it doesn’t mean you are belongs to a good family then you’ll get support to do everything , it need strong mentality and no discrimination thought between boys and girls. There was a time people think – girls should stay at home and boys should work but slowly slowly we are trying to change ourselves and try to give equal value to both. Still some families are there where girls are not getting sufficient support to make their dreams true , Marriage is the ultimate option in their life. Support from family side is badly needed for a girl because if a girl left her home she may make her dream true but society don’t take her in a good manner. She faced lots of obstacles in outside as she has no one from her family side . So when you are a girl – best option either do your job 1st then try from your side to do something for you , otherwise make yourself that much eligible so that no one can try to down you .

Support from society – Society support matters a lot when you wanna be a Politician or Singer or Writer or Entrepreneur etc . there is no much importance of society when you wanna be a Scientist or IITCIAN OR DOCTOR OR IAS OR ANY BIG OFFICER , there you need your own talent .
Support from society plays a major role when you are trying earn name and money from society.

I don’t have much knowledge about other place but in India , people get support as per place . Politicians mainly try to capture Northern and middle east India like DELHI , BIHAR , UP , MP etc because these capture major area in India (surface area + populated) and developing place even from educational background too . IN SOUTH – MAHARASTRA , KARNATAKA , ANDHRA PRADESH ETC are important but most important is which is educated + have more surface area + people , you have to focus which is the best place for get the popularity . Popularity is like a beautiful fragrance  once it well spread , you can reach every where without doing hard work. Behind all successful personality in INDIA their community plays a big role like – You are from PUNJAB then you will get support from “PUNJAB , HARYANA” (mainly) , UP AND DELHI  there is a big coordination . If you are from UP AND BIHAR SIDE then you’ll get huge support from UP , BIHAR , MP AND JHARKHAND etc which capture major area + most people + some of the develop cities in UP AND MP .
There also another factor responsible religion and cast – not plays a big role still does in politics and entrepreneur.

PANDA is oriya and PANDEY is Behari and Up side people only change in EY AND A , but both are Brahmain (Priest family.) I still remember when I was in school telgu teachers pronounce my surname as “PADA” and Behari teachers as “Pandey” as per their language pronounce.
Most populated Northern and Middle east Indian surname – KUMAR , SHARMA , SINGH +++
Most of the middle east people or can say most of the UP , BIHAR , MP AND JHARKHAND side mainly BIHAR side KUMAR surname is most populated surname . All are not belongs to one cast too .
SINGH – is most populated name because both BIHAR and PUNJAB people use this surname ,  some are Rajput , some also in different cast. But most populated and educated people are belongs to this surname.
Likewise in south they wrote their surname in front of their main name – like A. Hari Teja or S. SURESH etc. I don’t have much knowledge in south Indian surname as they wrote their surname in short form .
MARWARI – Agarwala , Khandelwala etc are belongs to marwari family , their actual origin is Rajastan but they are well spread all over india.
AGARWALA - most populated surname in india , as a Marwari no other cast belongs to this surname. These surname people are mostly business oriented because I have seen my all friends belongs to this surname are mainly from Business family or they can be in high post.
SOME ARE VERY COMMON SURNAME WELL SPREAD ALL OVER INDIA AND YOU CAN’T SAY WHERE THEY ACTUALLY BELONGS TO LIKE – TRIPATHI , MISHRA , PATRO etc , not too populated surname but you can’t recognize anyone from their surname , they can be from any place. I still remember when I was kid I thought these surname people are only from odisha then I came to know they can be from south and middle east place too.
So as per place surname change and there is a strong attraction between OWN SURNAME PEOPLE.

Place , also matters a lot In METRO CITIES you'll get lots of support and facilities to flourish your talent , Which you can't find in ordinary place. 

So support in the sense , sometimes place matters and sometimes surname too and some places people are very cooperative and they have great unity , I experience all these when I was in Rourkela , my papa is a railway employee that’s why I meet many people from different place . our neighbors were either Behari or Telgu , as we live in railway quarter(at first) , my pap’s job is a transferable job even our actual place and permanent house + plots are at Balasore , Bhadrak and Bhubaneswar that’s why we never make our own home there , even we change many houses too finally we live in koelnagar in Rourkela where 90% people are oriya rest in other region , that’s why I know their life style in well manner as we celebrate many festivals together. They are very cooperative, but for the first time due to social media my all 15-16 years experience or can say perception change because I left Rourkela and came to Bhubaneswar after 10th  for my study. I love to live in united way and connect with different people . (In my next article I’ll share my experience with my different religion and region people.)

Now I am going to share about me why I am unsuccessful

People spread different stories about me . yes ! I am also saying , I don’t have much talent . I don’t have much talent otherwise I could crack MEDICAL OR GATE , but now I realize instead of running after what I can’t do better I should run after what I can do. I may be not that much talented to get the MEDICAL , now I am trying to know my inner talent and trying to know my feeling , where I am actually strong , what I can do well – I SHOULD FOLLOW THAT. I mainly spoiled my life for medical , I spoiled my time too ,  know for medical I always have to listen comments from my parents and my relatives. Something I can’t avoid. but nobody knows how much that matters for me and how much I tried for that.
People always blame me , you are sitting or without doing hard work you are expecting a lot . ok , I am not explaining but what is true I am telling that . I am not from a millionaire family who have sufficient money to start up any business , even I don’t have that much money (personally I have) to publish my own book , if I write a book but after write my book i need a editor to edit my book then publish , after publish i need to do advertisement . because it’s easy to write book but at first you need to advertize otherwise who knows you and about your book , I may have money for publish but I don’t have money for advertisement then how can people know me , I am not so popular even have some talent whom people know even I am little introvert type too so less contacts , my papa is not a businessman who have much contact , he is a central government employee in RAILWAY , rest my mother and brother . so if I’ll write a book who’ll help me to advertise and who’ll edit .

Then about business – I am not a millionaire , if I can educate myself that is sufficient because through that I can earn money for my future or through my job I can try to develop myself. But for that you need a perfect field within IT job you can’t do everything . Some  “IT” jobs are like marrying your laptop or computer or Gooogle , because no contacts needed with others, ONLY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND MONEY. But I love to connect with all , I love people ,travel  and know about all. But my chosen career was wrong as per my demand now I realize.
Some doubt on my education and career – I may be a software engineer , I am poor overall in programming but in the same time  I am strong in some language like HTML , CSS , PHP AND JAVA etc. I am not a too talented student , I am a AVERAGE KIND OF STUDENT . Means First class but not a 90% GRADE STUDENT. I can be , if I study in CBSE because in State board marking system is very poor (everyone knows) but not in CBSE , now there is some change in state board. I completed my education with honesty - I never allow any kind of cheating or not a disobedient student. May I have problem with my friends but I never had problem with my college or lectures. I am a average kind of student but I am good or can say excellent in LAB works OR PRACTICAL , I am a really practical person too I can’t believe any words easily. Except CHEMISTRY LAB in all labs I do my work alone , I love to work alone as I don’t want any kind of disturbance in my work . I always complete my task before . May be for that reason I faced problem in group oriented labs because no one give me anything do, but I am not so poor in group works too but I can be furious when I see my project work not complete within time as I always punctual in my time. In my engineering career not only My projects in did alone but also English projects too. one day in my English lab I got many disobedient group partner , me and another girl – we completed our task well whereas rest 3 didn’t do , in the end when mem punish all finally I had to tell the truth and I show my slide and the girl who did . we save our marks for that reason I had got a chance to do and present the whole group project alone. I love to explain and project work that’s why I gladly accept .
But in my life in my all stage my teachers / lectures play a big role , they all helped me , mainly female lectures . in my minor project time I didn’t get any partner finally I decided to do my whole project alone , for the first time I took risk as my all close friends  are from other branch or other section , My project guide also helped me a lot , otherwise I couldn’t complete my both projects. Her contribution also matters a lot in my life , she was HOD still she can guide me that’s enough for me . so in my every stage of my life My lectures play a big role , what I am because of my teachers and their guidance. I don’t know why I can’t create better relation with my age people or can say my friends. my relation always better either with those whose age more than me or less than me . but it doesn’t mean I can’t adjust in anywhere but I share with all that’s why my news spread more than the speed of light. What happened with me , many students suffer like me or more than that too still they never complain or spread the story like me , but my problem I can’t keep anything inside me which ultimately spoiled my name and image.  I am the CREATOR OF MY OWN PROBLEM . I still remember how my small mistake can spoiled my 4 years Life , one small issue create MAHABHARAT in my life. whenever I remind my past I realize , how fool I was  . Sometimes honesty has no value , sometimes you have to do something wisely . I still remember -I go against BPUT  question paper leak and mark change in BPUT BOARD (go through my youtube video and past blog post) , problem with my friends for a silly matter are the only matters which spoiled my engineering otherwise I didn’t have problem with my education or college, , my way of CHOSEN PATHS WERE WRONG TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT otherwise I love my COLLEGE AND LECTURES. when I know the world , I don’t have sufficient time to rectify my mistakes.
I hope ! if I’ll go anywhere I’ll not repeat the same mistake again , what happened with me before . I have to be more flexible and wise. About my dream projects , Now also I am saying yes! I have 3 projects but don’t know where to start and how to start . still I can hope one day I can make it real.
I am too controversial person even I always face problems due to fake stories , which hamper my success. That’s the reason when someone ask about my past , I say them GO and ask about me IN MY SCHOOL OR COLLEGE , DON’T ASK ME AND DON’T SPREAD FAKE NEWS ABOUT ME.


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