“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” 

People succeed because of their hard work and luck has no role in that. Hard workers can reach new destinations, improve their careers and succeed in schools.

But my prospective is different , I believe in LUCK + MONEY  J
Now , I stop believe in HARD LABOR and SOCIAL WORKS  which can makes your life a good living , I was wrong in past that’s why I was running after false dream , when I realize the truth and my situation , my time left me alone in empty way.

People laugh at me now , as I can’t do anything , I am neither blaming my parents nor anyone else , my parents tried their best to give me best education , but there is a hell and heaven difference between Being EDUCATED & Being SUCCESSFUL. Anyone can become successful , if they have all kind of opportunity and their luck favors but I born with bad luck and a worst controversial person. I always hated by many, may be for my unique personality which rarely match with others.  I wants to change my life but don’t know how?
I am in same state , how I was 4-5 years before , my 1st poem published in school , after that I never got such opportunity to show my talent because I gave much emphasize on my study that only on MEDICAL , but in 2010 again I started writing , after entering into engineering.  For my writing I faced lots of obstacles –still I never give up , finally I had to give up my writing for my education otherwise I can’t pass my engineering within 4 year as our college is very strict and I was staying in hostel  even my dream was to get my branch through M-tech .
But now I realize how to move and where and how.

Previously I was quit immature type, that’s why I speak a lot and do little. Now, no more expose before I complete my work.

I still remember I started writing blog in 2010 and 2011 means when I was 19 years old but now also I am in same state how I was before!

First in Blog – MY LIFE MY WAY


Third in Blog – MY OPEN DIARY

Previously I was fool so my plans for my future always fail, I hope now onwards will not. Because now, I realize how the world is and how to move and what are the importance.

Now I have 3 projects , all are IT based + Business oriented, I can’t do it alone but I hope! One day sure. Now, I can’t because I have no supportive hand who can help me here because it needs money + same mentality people who can help me. But one day sure! 
I believe Age doesn't matter when it comes to Success and Dream Work ,Chetan Bhagat also started writing after he completed his education from IIM , now he is most famous author in INDIA so age don’t matter , Quality of Writing or What you wants to do that’s matter . I believe in my work even I have faith one day many people will be benefited for that, but till that day I have to listen the criticizing words or mocking kind of words or can say harassing words . Neither I am getting support from my own place where I born nor from anyone (I can’t blame my family , they Tried their best , they spend more than 15 lakh money for my study and to make my dreams true in Educational field ).

Sometimes people knowingly make Ur life hell, spreading wrong news about you. I am the most controversial person, I am also in doubt where I born because some people make me feel like that. Lots of pain in my heart, some untold story like some behave me like refuse and nobody helps me to rise in my life. I always do social work , I am doing social work from my childhood days but in engineering I got many opportunities to show my work as an important role, I love to help people . but it’s true , I can’t control my words when I become angry but my heart knows what I wanna do . but this world is so political world  , if you do something good , people first doubt on you , now we are living in such world, I don’t wanna be politician , I just wants to rise in my field and help people from my own earned money. I wanna do something for my motherland, where I born actually. Now I realize how your words can ruin your life , now my life is full of struggling , those who knows me even those who take me as their enemy they also know me very well , as till now I never harm anyone even never did anything wrong with anyone but I always victim in the end, look back my past, even my teachers and those who know me they can better explain me. I am a very short temper person; my all revenge is through words not through works whereas people take revenge through works.J

However , now I wanna forget everything and trying to change myself , by hook or by crook , I’ll study and educating myself . Education is my first priority; There is no Second option in my life, Full and final. 
About my Dream one day that’ll be true , may be after entering into MBA or entering into JOB I’ll start working on my DREAM PROJECT because I know there I can get same minded people to get my work done , staying at home I can dream only . That’s why after 20 days I am leaving my home and start working on my DREAM PROJECT either through EDUCATION OR JOB.  I am not doing MBA to do my business , I can do it now also as my brother is a MBA graduate who can advice me too but I Wanna do MBA as I wanna do Jobs in some of my favorite sectors even I wanna gain knowledge in business too . My dream was to become Scientist through M-TECH but may be my life has chosen something different, that’s why I am moving as per my life. If not MBA then JOB, I am ready for all. Because my life is full of struggling and painful, I can’t predict anything. But I am sure; when I was kid my dream is to do something different now also. One day I’ll make my dream projects true.J

Let people laugh at me now, I can’t blame all as my situation is like that. One day Good time also come in my life , I BELIEVE EVEN FAITH ON MY LORD .Everything happens for Good reason!!!J

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