People wandering I'm still alive
Even after I hurt again and again
Some want I should die in pain
Some want I should be crazy in pain
Some want I should live like nothing happen
ha, still I am alive
Now nothing matters even noon does
No onwards I gonna be strong like stone
No heart, no pain
holding my heart pieces in my hands again
I am moving again
I don’t want someone should come to join it together
I am happy it’s broken
Some showing me my heart is bleeding
I say them let it be
Let it damage purely
So that there will be no echo if I got pain
I’m broken where I stand again
I am broken wherever I go
I am broken whomever I meet
I am broken whatever I do
I got a unique life
I learnt many lessons right
now I am counting how long I gonna be hurt
The sun shines in April,
but I hate going outside
as my life is full of darken by mighty god
I can’t enjoy the sun with a darken life
People become happy when I sad
People become jealous when I win
People become sad when I smile
This is my unique world where I live in
I can’t be joker for a longer period
Who cry inside but smile outside
I gonna show how I am
I gonna leave my mask
I gonna unmask some people before I die
My life is painful still beautiful as it is
As it is unique
Everyone don’t posses such life
I feel proud having such life
Gonna live as per my god plan for me

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